Recovery From Breast Cancer Joanne’s Story Of Healing

Recovery From Breast CancerJoanne has shared the heartwarming story of her recovery from breast cancer

In April of this year, Joanne, a 42-year-old wife, and mother, was diagnosed with breast cancer. It came as a shock to the family. And as expected, the conversations, especially with their kids, were difficult. Her recovery from breast cancer is detailed here.

“My kids would ask me questions like, ‘When do you become bald?’ Because that’s what they associate with cancer. Being bald and dying. Those were some tough conversations to have with our kids,” she shared.

Almost eight months later, on the 8th week of her treatment at An Oasis of Healing, she was in for other shocking news—her PET scan revealed that there was no active cancer. Joanne is cancer-free.

“We were thrilled with that and we were shocked,” she said. “Just as much as we were shocked to get the diagnosis, we are still in shock that I’m cancer-free. We’re coming out on the other side so healthy and grateful, especially going into the holiday season, to have that time with our kids.”

Quality of life in treatment

 When she was diagnosed, Joanna started with a conventional treatment center. She “felt great” with the first doctor she spoke to after they agreed on the importance of nutrition in the healing process.

However, the other members of the medical team did not share that view. And when Joanne and her husband, Josh, walked around the facility and saw the patients, she felt it in her gut.

She explained, “That’s not the kind of treatment I want to have. And I didn’t want my kids to see me like that. That was my first take on the quality of life of a conventional treatment plan versus an integrative, more holistic plan that Oasis provides.”

Recovery From Breast Cancer Is Possible When The Right Healing Protocol Is Followed

Josh added, “It was quite a different picture when we walked into an Oasis of Healing. We looked at the other patients and they looked like they were on their journey of health and recovery.”

Prior to going to An Oasis of Healing, Joanne had already been on a health and wellness journey, learning about the body and its natural healing capabilities. She also started on the diet aspect of the program by going vegan, raw, organic and by juicing.

When she finally went to An Oasis of Healing, she immediately felt the difference—from the warmth and support of the team to the impressive facilities and staff to patient ratio. And because she had prepared her body, the nutrition aspect of the program, which can feel drastic for patients who are used to a less conscious diet and lifestyle, was “not too much of a shock” for Joanne.

Oasis School of Life

 An Oasis of Healing has a unique and comprehensive cancer care program anchored on the Oasis School of Life—a precise curriculum designed to accomplish three goals: change a patient’s knowledge base about health and wellness; empower them to acquire skills to live a life of wellness; and enable them to experience long-term and sustainable health.

Part of the initial four-week course is steps to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit as well as hands-on training including how to prepare food without destroying nutrient content and creating palatable raw meals and beverages that enhance the body’s immune system and natural healing abilities.

This life-changing learning and healing journey have helped patients like Joanne to empower themselves to, not just heal from cancer, but also to prevent it from returning. “We’re just super grateful to be where we are now, celebrating and living life with our family and our friends,” she said.

Find out more about how An Oasis of Healing can help you or your loved ones reclaim your birthright to health. Contact us now.

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